Ty’Easha Johnson Ty’Easha Johnson

Blog post no. 4

For today's post, I would like to talk about colors how they portray emotion, and how we can relate emotions and colors to each other.. 

As juvenile as it may sound, I think a great “get to know me” question to ask someone is “What’s your favorite color?” 

Why is this?

 I feel our favorite color says a lot about our character and our personality traits. For people like me who are artists, I feel we have a hard time choosing a “favorite” color because in all honesty every color is important and is treated differently, individually, and how we use them with other colors is so important because of the emotion we feel while looking at them! 

We learn to recognize basic colors at an early age in life but I don’t think we ever REALLY learn the importance of colors and how we respond to them. This is probably because there is no hard fact reasoning why exactly we respond to colors how we do other than the great phenomena of being a human being. 

So let’s dive deeper into colors and their commonly associated feelings. 


Here is a fun FREE test that asks a few questions based on your personality and guesses your favorite color from the data you provided. 

When I took this test I thought I was going to get my green favorite, but the test guessed my favorite to be red. When I thought about my answers to certain questions I can see how red could have been associated. I’m a passion-driven person and red is the color of passion. 

While the test wasn’t 100% accurate as to guessing my favorite color, it did a good job analyzing my answers and comparing them to the emotions of colors.

Green has been my favorite color since the 3rd grade and from that point on it has always been a comfort color for me. I also like everything that green represents in the chart mentioned above which is why it is my “favorite” color. Even though I love the rainbow as well (ROYGBV). That color combination truly makes my heart happy and I often find myself using it a lot in my art.

 Now that we have learned more about colors and the relation of emotion we have with them let’s get started with today’s art therapy exercise! 

Today we will be creating an emotion color wheel, using what we learned about color and emotion put it to use by questioning yourself and tuning into the emotions you are feeling in the present moment.

 I suggest putting on some meditative music to help you in your creative process and focus.

This is the song I listened to during the exercise.



 -Your feelings (nonoptional) 

-Any kind of paper available to you

 -Paint, markers, pastels, crayons, or colored pencils (use anything you have in color variety) 

-Anything you can use to make a circle

You can start by drawing a circle (you can use a candle or something circular shaped, I used a bowl as a stencil) in the middle but it takes up a good amount of space on the page. After you’ve drawn your circle make pizza slices in it, see the example below:

 Now really spend a minute to process what emotions you are feeling and let it flow… 

Once you have filled your emotion wheel, please take a moment to reflect. I challenge you to take a piece of paper, or maybe jot it down in the notes on your phone, but take some time to reflect on your art and ask yourself questions to gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and yourself. 

Some questions can be:

-What parts of your artwork do you feel are most successful? 

-Did your work turn out how you intended? Or did it take a different direction? 

-If you were to recreate this artwork, what would you do differently?

-What did you enjoy most of this process? 

-What did you learn from creating this artwork? 

Here is my artwork from today’s exercise and my reflection! 


-What parts of your artwork do you feel are most successful? 

I feel the part of my artwork that was most successful was that I was able to really get into a meditative mindset while practicing this exercise.

-Did your work turn out how you intended? Or did it take a different direction? 

My work turned out how I thought it would. (It was pretty straight forward)

-If you were to recreate this artwork, what would you do differently?

-If I were to recreate this artwork I think I may have placed the colors differently on the wheel.

-What did you enjoy most of this process? 

-I enjoyed practicing mindfulness and picking up crayons that really brought me back to my youth!

-What did you learn from creating this artwork?

-I learned that practicing mindfulness while practicing art really should go hand and hand and be looked at as one instead of separate entities.

If you participated in this week’s exercise please feel free to share with me! You can either post your art and tag me on Instagram (@tyistight_creatives) OR if you don’t want to share publicly you can also email your art directly to me at tyistight.creatives@gmail.com 

The quote of the week is: 


Photo Cred: Pinterest

This week’s featured artist of the week is : 

Andy Warhol : I chose this artist because they really use color as a tool to express emotion a lot throughout their work. Please check out their website HERE for more information.

Thank you again for reading this week’s blog post and participating in the art therapy exercise! I hope you had fun and look forward to next week's post!

Until next time,


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